The Effortless Stress Test Alternative

All you need is an App and a heart rate belt

Early screening for myocardial ischemia in healthy people

The ideal way to take an early stress test

All you need is an App and a heart rate belt
Early cardiac screening for healthy individuals
HeartTrends At-a-Glance
Cardiac screening as reliable as an Exercise Stress Test
Wear heart rate recorder for 20 minutes
No stressful maneuvers
Normal activity - sit, eat, walk, shop
Clinically proven - CE, FDA
Cloud-analyzed instant results
Ideal for
Healthy people with one (1) or more risk factors:
Smoking or Family History or Diabetes or High Blood Pressure or High Cholesterol or Over 40
Unable to perform a treadmill test:
Impaired or elderly or overweight
Medical Indications (for Physicians)
For screening at-risk populations without known coronary artery disease
Evidence-based, peer-reviewed clinical studies (Mayo Clinic, American J. Cardiology et al.)
Assessed with standard cardiac risk factors
Exclusion criteria: see "Physicians"